
All are welcomed!! If you are struggling with mental health, if you have a loved one struggling with mental health, or if you are looking for answers stop on by. All are welcomed!!

Mission of Project Hope and Beyond:

The mission here at Project Hope and Beyond is to provide hope and love to everyone dealing with a mental illness and for everyone to know they are not alone in this fight.

It is also to provide loved ones with a little understanding of what their loved ones are experiencing as they live with this ugly struggle. I personally know with me having a mental illness I can be quite difficult to deal with at times or hell all the time, but I am hoping this blog sheds a little light on family members who are working hard with their loved one who struggles with mental illness. I see you!! I hear you!!


Please know that I am not a professional at all. I am going by my experiences and struggles so some of the things I may say could be triggering. If you feel that you are triggered and are feeling suicidal or you want to hurt someone, please call the National Suicide Hotline: 988 or 1-800-273-8255.

Coping Strategies:

In some blog posts I am going to share strategies I use/used during my struggles. These are some of the strategies I learned in therapy and some I have learned on my own. I am even going to suggest the ones that didn’t work for me. Any way I can help. I am just suggesting not telling you what to do. I just want everyone to know I am trying to help but I am definitely not a professional.

Caution: I Cuss

Please also know that I cuss a lot on my blog and if you know me, I swear in general anyways. Some people say I swear like a sailor. It is just the way I talk and express myself. Just know that I write the way I feel and how I would talk to you in person. I don’t mean no harm or disrespect in any way or any of my writings. Sorry if I offend anyone in any way. I want love, happiness, and peace for us all.

Just always always remember you are worth it!! Keep fighting!! I fucking believe in you, and I am cheering you on.

Please know that my site will have affiliate links that you can checkout to purchase things, and the profits that I make off of that link will go towards my site and things for my site. Thank you for your support and help!!